Author and Poet
Jaydine Krinchov

the mythos series

this site is under constant construction as new content and plans for future content emerge
some sections and pictures are placeholders only
we hope you take this into consideration as you come with us on this journey as the story unfolds
much love to you allfromperfect accidents

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the mythos series


All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact [email protected]The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Trigger Warnings:The following content is used in these books written by Perfect Accidents. In no way do the authors condone or approve of any of these actions taken, mentioned, or described.Blood, Death, Violence, Classism, Racism, Animal Death/Cruelty, Mental Illnesses, Abuse, Hate Language, Cursing, Self-Harm, Suicide, Torture, Eating Disorders, Kidnapping, Pregnancy

the mythos series

titles of all books

should be read in order

  • The Great Dreamer's Nightmare

the mythos series
all books

book one

The Great Dreamer's Nightmare


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The Great Dreamer's Nightmare

coming soon
this book is in the writing phase
please check back for more updates

The Great Dreamer's Nightmare
the characters

  • Kailynn

  • Ilmryn Khalazza

  • Panic Lucrehr

  • Xena Goldenguard

  • Vola Silvertongue


Awoken from death from an underwater horror as she drowned, Kailynn remembers only her name. No one recognizes her, knows who she is, or understands where her magickal abilities come from. Searching for her past in a desperate attempt to remember, she struggles with the truth of right and wrong as the Forgotten God who saved her life tries to muddle her point of view.

Ilmryn Khalazza

A young man of about fifteen with little known about him, Ilmryn possesses powers of telepathy that none except Vola know of. He originally travelled alone, and then met Vola - when he healed her back to health from a deadly battle. She and him later joined together with the others, but he still holds many secrets and doesn't care to share them.

Panic Lucrehr

Panic has a complicated past, but he is known as the leader of the group. He is known for his charm, even though he is a mostly anxious mess half the time. When in towns, he finds entertainment in performing magick on the street. Most towns and cities know of him, since he travels far and wide, and he has a good reputation despite being a devilkin.

Xena Goldenguard

Xena is, in simple terms, the strangest centaur to ever live. With no herd to call her own, no idea who her parents are, and nowhere to call home, she is more or less the opposite of Panic - the only person she calls her family. With not much memory of her childhood, she only remembers life with Needle - her golden shapeshifting weapon that usually takes the form of a spear. She knows she serves some greater power, greater purpose, but she has yet to figure out what.

Vola Silvertongue

A woman of strength and virtue. unlike any other orc, she is kind and considerate. Most do not trust her due to her heritage, but she remains vigil. She met Ilmryn when she turned against her clan to save him, which he responded in kind by healing her when she was wounded and left for dead by them.

The Great Dreamer's Nightmare

coming soon
this book is in the writing phase
please check back for more updates

The Great Dreamer's Nightmare

For the benefit of all readers, please understand that any AI art used is temporary. They are simply placeholders until we, as a company, can pay a real artist to do the work. NO, I am not taking money away from artists, I am trying to make the money I can so I can pay the artists. Thank you for understanding!

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